Thank you for reading our latest blog in relation to PPC Management! We are using this blog to share ith you, the latest industry updates nd the effects they could have on digital marketing and the way in which you run your campaigns.
Account-level Negative Keyword Lists
Long awaited, this news was released in January to Google Partners and PPC Agenices across the country however, the impact of this is now only just being felt as PPC agenices get to grips with the changes and the way in which this can benefit client accounts. To access account-level Negative keyword listds you simply need to head over to you Google Ads account , settings and there, you will notice a new Negative Keywords tab.
The benefits of this release from Google means, you can now save some time when going through your search terms to create a negative keyword list. Negative keywords are a very important optimisation, our Chelmsford PPC Agency have been using negative keyword lists since we launched. It is the best element of control one can have over their campaign and spend. As we have previously mentioned, you do not want to bid on keywords that bare no relevance to your business, service or, product. With this new change, previously you would apply negative keywords to each campaign or ad group. Now, these new changes allow you to find and apply these negatiove keywords just the once and then apply these to all campaigns. Additionally, it also means that you have greater control when it comes to where you’d like your ads to place, it will prevent dangerous and inappropriate terms from showing your ads.
This is particurlay a huge leap for performance max campaigns which previously allowed for no control other then budget. You can now use these new lists and apply them to Perfromance Max Campaigns.
Performance Max Campaign Updates
Whilst we remain completely against Performance max and smart shopping, Google are starting to head in the right direction with their latest changes. As per Googles blog of the 23rd February 2023, they announced new features that should enable you to convert more with the use of performance max campaigns. Still not ideal and still not us. As a Witham PPC Agency you wont catch us using these automated methods, they are being pushed by Google to maximise your spend and by inferior PPC Agencies to lower their work load.
So what are the changes?
1. Google has finally announced that experiments are coming, this new feature will allow you to test Performance Max vs Standard Shopping. This will in theory allow you to compare the results between the two by splitting your budget either 90/10 or 50/50 to see if it would work for you. The one thing we always say to our clients is, imagine you own a store selling plain white tops. and there is competitor selling plain white tops. You both use performance max, what happens now? You can not control your bids to get in front of your competition, you cant reduce your bids on less relevant terms and you cant bid different amounts based on devices. So still with these changes you can not bid aggressively you just have to deal with the place Google puts you....unless, you contact us for Essex PPC Management, Where you can be sure you will have a manual campaign with complete control.
2. Page Feeds - This allows for optimising results from your search inventory, and you will be able to create group URLs and use them for labels, allowing you to only show for particular products in a particular campaign or ad group, additionally, it means that you will be able to send traffic to a specific set of landing page URL’s on your site. i mean its news but not exciting or game changing!
Microsoft Advertising - The Expansion
Shoogle loves Microsoft Advertising. No its not the biggest or the best but its cheap and captures a certain generation that Google does not. With our PPC Agency we always push for Microsoft to be used as well as Google. Microsfot hold 23% of the market, this market share are usually of an older generation, more likely to convert and more likely using a Desktop and through our vast data collection we can see that although 92% of searches are done on mobile, The cost to get a conversion is much cheaper via Desktop. Or that might just be how great our Essex PPC Agency is? The latest news from Microsoft is that they are expanding their market reach to 34 new markets. These markerts are mainly focused on Afriaca but if your services or products are of international interest then this is great news. Africa as a continent is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and the opportunity to capture this market can not be sniffed at!
How will this help me?
Easy, with Microsoft advertising expanding in to additional markets so can you. It will allow you to get additional growth and the cost of getting these conversions is likely to be a lot cheaper then Google as it has far fewer advertisers. So the opportunioty is there to grow your customer base and our PPC agency are here to help you exploiut these opportunites as much as possible.
Enhcnaced CPC and last-touch attribution
Finally, Microsoft advetising have introduced Enchnaced CPC. This feature has been avalible on Google for years and basically uses machine learning to optimise your bids at market time to try and capture as many conversions as possible. whilst reducing your spend to get to them conversions. This is much welcomed and something to really look at getting involved in. Get in touch with our Essex PPC Agency today and we can get talking about these chnages.