How to write great PPC ad copy
Step 1: Research, Research And More Research!
In the world of online advertising it is vital to ensure you are ahead of your competitors and working harder then them on your campaigns. The best research one can carry out would be competitor research. At our Essex PPC Agency it is one of the first steps we take on behalf of opur clients. Take a look at those first few search results that come up and really look in to the way they are selling their services. It is important not to copy though, as well as the legal hassle you may also be penalised by Google. So learn from their Ad Copy and use it as a base to build yours better.
Another thing to research, is common keywords and key phrases that a consumer might use when searching for your service or product. Again at our Colchester PPC Agency keywords are the starting point of any campaign as everything you do be it SEO or PPC its built around those keywrods you want to target. Although at this stage it is easy to assume that those with the biggest budgets will be at the top etc it is far different. It is a matter of who has the best marketing stratedgy.
From this reasearch you will see what others are doing and how you can improve on that and offer your USP's. That opening text is your only opportunity to sell yourself and gain that click so make sure those USP's are included.
Step 2: Keep The Customer At The Forefront Of Everything!
Consider why a consumer is searching, youll find that it will either be for a want or a need. So when your writing your ads focus on how your product or service is going to change their lives, fulfil their needs and meed their desires like no one elses will. This is what will pivot the customer clicking on your ad over anyone elses.
Be smart on your choice of words and phrases. This is where you consider using words that are directed at the consumer. for example instead of using "we" or "us" use words such as "you" "savings" "discount" "cheap" these types of words are enticing and will grab the users attention. Dont forget to included phrases to tell that consumer you will solve their problems such as "reduce your work load" or "speed up processes" These are all phrases and words that are going to attract the consumer to you.
Step 3: Grab The Consumer With Those Headlines
When creating your ads on the likes of Google you will tend to create around 5 Headlines. This is because Google will dynamically rotate your ads to what they belive will get you the most cliks, conversions, calls etc.
The headline is the largest text within your Ad and it stands out so it is going to be the first thing that the consumer sees. And PPC Agency will tell you it is very important to get these right. But, you have already done your competitor analysis so you have a starting point to which you can use to build your killer headlines!
The character lim it for a headline is just 30 Charcters, In those 30 characters you need to get across the main point of your service, or product. A strong opening headling that our Chelmsford PPC Agency regurlaly uses is to create a question out of the headline, this works very well at getting the consumer to read your sub-headings or clicking ion your ad.
Remeber to put those USP's in there, tell that consumer why you are the best at what you do, what sets you apart and how your product/service can mae a difference.
For headlines it is also worth using numbers and symbols. They take up much fewer characters and also allow you to get those USP's in. For example iof your selling a certain product cheaper then anyone elese, put that cost in there.
You will notice advertisers use symbols to seperate words or points in a headline for example PPC Agency | Chelmsford | Essex. By including the "|" symbol you are creating multiple keywords rather then a single Keyphrase.
Step 4: Dont Forget Your Call To Action
A call to action is basically and end goal for yoiur ad, othern then to click on your website, you can include buttons at the bottom of your ad. For example; Call Now, Shop Now etc. When your building you ad it will give you options for your call to action. These are again great ways at further enticing your customer.
Step 5: Get Those Keywords In
As with any type of Ad on Google it is all down to Ad Rank for that position. Google loves to see a relevant advert being displayed when a consumer makes a search, now you can me it relvenat with your headlines, sub headlines and shoret descriptions but Google will always want more.
This is where you ensure yoru keywords are in the URL. for example: someone searches PPC Agency Witham. You need to ensure that the URL has that or part of that in it.
If your ad has a URL with no relevance expect to be pushed down on those results and your CPC to be significantly higher. An example of this would be you searching PPC Agency Colchester and our ad displaying a URL that said This shows no relevance therefore Google will assume the consumer will not click on the ad and therefore expect that ad to be low down on the search results.
As a general rule, the more focus around your target keywrods and them mroe you can include these (dont keyword spam) the more Google will reward your ad.
Step 6: Get In Touch
If your looking to have your account and ads run proffesionaly then get in touch with our PPC Agency today and lets get your ads sorted!